
Internship Reviews

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What did you do and learn during your Field Experience?
· How were you treated by supervisors and co-workers?
· Was there anything special about your placement location?
· Would you recommend this employer to other students?
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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

UMASS Amherst (All Departments)

Mullins Center (Global Spectrum)

Fall 2008

  • primary job was to create awareness about the Mullins Center 's upcoming events and to drive group scales towards these specific events. I made calls to local businesses, schools, day cares, senior centers, etc that fit the target market for these events.
  • create posters, fliers
  • circulate email blasts,
  • created group sales call log book

This internship provides real experience of sales, marketing, sponsorship directly from the classroom.

Come in and immediately start making sales calls. Do your research with each company you call because the more knowledge you know about their organization, helps build interest to you and your product! Always update your sales logbook with any information or follow up phone calls you make.

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